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Sea holidays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that sea cruises attract people from all over the world. Such holidays are usually full of interesting events and adventures.

Personally, I always choose sea trips because they provide an opportunity to explore new places and learn new things. To begin with, travelling by sea is a very convenient option, because passengers spend their time in comfortable cabins, reading books or flipping through magazines and they can also sunbathe on sunny days. Moreover, such holidays can also be exciting for risk-takers, because they can go diving and explore the depths of the seas. And they can also go fishing and at the same time find out what fish live in different seas. And finally, sea voyages give people lots of opportunities to explore the world around.

Passenger can take a tour and visit many different countries during the journey.

On the contrary, there are people who dislike sea trips. There is a simple reason for this: most of them suffer from seasickness. Furthermore, some people are worried that they will get bored with a long stay on the ship, so they prefer other ways of travelling.

In my judgment, in our time modern medicine can provide us with most medicines including those for seasickness. And there's a lot to do on the ship so it won't be boring for sure.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I consider that travelling by sea is a perfect way to get vivid emotions and explore the world around. Although it is up to everyone to decide whether to go on a voyage.


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