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Some people think that sciences are the most important branch of education and one mustn’t know such subjects as Literature, History, Language, Music, Art (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Education is one of the most important parts of our lives. We must attend school to have basic knowledge about the world.

ut some people think that it's not necessary for students to know different subjects like literature, art, music, etc.

ut others believe in the versatility of the educational program.

In my opinion, we should learn not only technical or science subjects. Humanitarian things are valuable too, because all of us have different hobbies and interests. It is important for overall development and you can give a good first impression as an intellectual person when you become an adult. Also, in school, nobody can exactly predict in which field students will work.

So it is necessary to learn subjects from different areas to choose some that will be interesting especially for you.

ut there is an opposite opinion. The 21st century is the time when technologies are developed with insane speed. So there is a higher probability that you will find a job which is connected with IT or computer programs. Statistics tell us that some social professions are less in demand now and many of them will be replaced with robots.

I disagree with this opinion because there is a list of jobs which are really important for us like teachers or doctors. To become someone of them you should know not only science.

To sum up, in our world there are so many important subjects and everyone ought to know the minimum from each of them for normal functioning in society.


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