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Some people believe that the climate of a country has the greatest influence on its culture (food, arts, music, clothing, etc. Others believe that there are more important influences. Discuss both views and give your opinion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many researchers claim that the climate of a country has a far-reaching impact on diverse aspects of life, such as food, music, art, and clothes. Some people, including me, consider that there are numerous factors that can affect the sphere of life.

On the one hand, those who believe that climate influences culture have some arguments. To begin with, the community tries to adjust to the weather conditions and wear comfortable clothes at the same time.

Moreover, some kinds of products, for instance, meals or vegetables, can be spoiled in scorching heat or bitter cold. One good example is the UAE, where there is unbroken sunshine every year. Local society put on a long white dress with a specific hat. Thanks to this outlook, they can protect their skin and hear the sunshine. It should be noted that many meals are impossible to import, like an illustration of various types of fish and pig. In addition to music, there are haunting melodies and associated East in the UAE. Another example is a country in the north, for instance, Canada or the Russian Federation. Local people wear warm clothes and eat more meals with too much fat, like turkey or pig. It

should be emphasized that music is energetic and joyful, which motivates them to move and not sleep.

On the other hand, I reckon that there are many factors that can tend to modify life. Admittedly, I'd migrate. According to recent research, a huge number of people, particularly from Africa and Asia, migrate all over the world, especially to the USA and Europe. As a result, the majority culture could be replaced by locals. One is a great example of a historic event, such as the discovery of America or the campaign of Alexander McQueen. It caused the dissemination and mixing of cultures in many nations.

In conclusion, although climate can affect culture, I believe that there are diverse factors that have greatly influenced civilization.


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