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More and more people are debating about the right of students to choose their subjects themselves. Some people believe that adolescents should learn all school disciplines. Others think and that school-age children should study only the subjects they nee (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

More and more people are debating about the right of students to choose their subjects themselves. Some people believe that adolescents should learn all school disciplines. Others think and that school-age children should study only the subjects they need for the future career.

I think that youngsters should decide which subjects to learn on their own. First and foremost, some of the students cannot study very hard because they physically are not able to memorize a lot of information.

Secondly, the students who do not study that disciplines hard get bad marks and this damages the school reputation. Finally, the school-age children who cannot be focused on one discipline will be the bad employee because of their bad understanding the job. It can lead to brain drain.

On the other hand, others suppose that children should study a lot of disciplines at the advanced level. Their opinion is based on the fact that the knowledge of chemistry or physics, for example, maybe useful in students’ lives. In addition, the information they learn approve their memory.

I don’t agree with this opinion. First of all, students always can find the information they need on the Internet. Furthermore, it’s useless to memorize information which will be forgotten because of its useless while students can spent the time they learn chemistry, for instance, memorizing English grammar.

To sum up, there are two disputing views on the problem of school grogram. I am totally convinced that it should be students personal decision which subject to study. (252)


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