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Education: Should students study only the subjects they choose?Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Should students study only the subjects they choose?

In modern world some students can choose subjects which they want to study. The issue of getting an education has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates. Some thinks that high school students should study only the subjects they choose.

To begin with, choosing specific items helps to focus on what is really needed. For instance, the Engineering student does not need to study fiction in detail. Also, it helps save time. For example, a student who studies in the humanities profile does not have to waste time solving physics exercises, which will allow him to have additional rest or better prepare an assignment in the main subject.

However, some people are sure that you need to study all subjects of the program without exception.

They think that it develops their horizons and may someday be useful.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with the opposing opinion, because today a person and especially a student is faced with too much information flow and it is physically impossible to remember everything. Some information will be forgotten and time will be wasted.

All in all, we live in in a developing world where education is an important part in the life of any person. Today it is important to be able to separate the necessary information from unnecessary.

Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad

In modern world people strive to get a good education. The issue of getting an education has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates. Some thinks that to get a good education one should go abroad.

Abroad, the education system is developing. New technologies and methods of communication with students are introduced there. For example, American schools have psychologists who really have sessions that can help, in the USA, unlike most Russian schools, there are school sports teams. Also, a diploma obtained in Europe or America is of greater value than in Russia. Therefore, a person with a European diploma of education has a greater opportunity to get a job abroad than with a Russian diploma.

However, not all people can’t afford to study abroad, because they don’t have enough money to pay for their studies. These people have no choice but to try to get a better education in their homeland. Our country also has good schools, universities and teachers.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with the opposing opinion, because today people can find teachers from another country using the Internet and study online. So, they can choose some of the most important subjects for them and payment will become easier than for the entire set of subjects in universities.

All in all, we live in in a developing world where education is an important part in the life of any person. Getting an education abroad opens up great opportunities for a person.


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