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Lots of people would like to have one language on our planet. However, scientists think that having only one language is a disaster. What is your opinion? Do you think that language diversity is important for our society? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, there is a big argument about whether there can be one common main language all over the world. Some people believe that it is possible to have one language on our planet while other consider that having only one language is a disaster.

In my opinion, we are specifically told that all people cannot be united into one nation and have single language, because it is beneficial for the world's elites that people quarrel with each other because of non-existent problems and don't pay attention to a common enemy that poses a real threat to all humanity ("divide and conquer").

Firstly, if all earthlings have some common feature especially language it will be a reason for the end of international military conflicts, there will be peace in the world. Moreover, people united by one thing will begin to build a bright future together. The development of humanity will accelerate at times because every single person will have a desire to create something really useful and necessary for the sake of universal development.

There is an opposing opinion. Some people state that having one common language will cause some problems. To begin with, if a single language and therefore a culture is established abruptly on the whole planet, it will cause mass riots, ethnic conflicts will increase because every nation will want its language to be the main one. Secondly, thus the richest culture and history of every single nation will disappear.

I am afraid I cannot agree with this idea. First of all, the idea of the need for a single worldwide language should be introduced into society gradually with the help of manipulative technologies, such as, for example, Overton's eye. Furthermore, we will have to make certain sacrifices, all for the sake of bright future. Is it better to live in a world where everyone hates each other for stupid reasons imposed on people by the pawns of the elites?

In conclusion, I would like to say that having one language, culture, history and so on is what humanity should strive for to stop the deaths of innocent people and live fairly.


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