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When one travels into a different culture, they should adapt to local practices and culture (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In modern society people travel a lot. Many people say that it is very important to integrate in the different culture and try to understand unknown traditions, while others think that people need to safe their own identity and avoid others.

In my opinion, when somebody travels into a different culture, they should adapt to local practices and culture. Firstly, every nationality is different and you need to try to understand it if you want to broaden your horizons. Secondly, exploring new cultures is very interesting. If you do not want to adapt and find differences,your travel can be too boring.

However, some people say that nobody needs to integrate in the some culture.

They claim that it is important to do what you want and do not adapt, because you need to save your identity.

In spite of this argument, I strongly believe that your individuality can not be changed by any culture, but you can improve your personality and become better.

In conclusion, I want to say that travelling is very interesting and hard process that needs many efforts and can bring many positive emotions and discoveries about cultures.


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