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Clothes make the man (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the hectic world of today many people believe that clothes is one of most important aspects, it one`s dignity and social status. Personally, I absolutely agree with this and with the statement that clothes make the man. In my opinion, there are some arguments for this theory.

To begin with, I can say that clothing plays a key role in how we live our lives in many ways. Firstly, researches of scientists have shown that the first impression depends on the 55% on how we look like. So it can be too obvious, that our appearance make the very first impression on the people around. Moreover, good-looking person is more trust and respect than grubby man, because the way you dress determines the respect you receive.

However, some people don`t care about their appearance, as they believe that it doesn`t matter what you look like.

Sure, there are more important things than appearance. Such as: spiritual and internal worlds, mental abilities and much more. But in my opinion, our character and appearance should always be in harmony. So I don`t agree with the phrase that clothes don’t make the man.

First of all, if you are careless to clothes it might spoil your future career. Secondly, despite the fact that you are smart and clever your sloppy appearance will revolt the people around. And thirdly, poor appearance can cause uncertainly and moral dissatisfaction of person.

In conclusion it`s important to remind, that clothes actually do the man, so I would like to advise everyone to start dressing nicely and turn yourself into a respected individual.


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