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A modern man could not survive in the jungle on his own (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are two opposite points of view on the attitude of being on jungle. Some people consider that up to date it is too difficult to stay alive in jungle for a modern person. However, others, on the contrary, are sure that a well-adapted person can easily survive in jungle.

As for me, I consider that it is impossible to survive in brushwood. First of all, there is no food supply. We must admit, that person can hunt on wild animals, but it is very dangerous and most people are not able to do one. Hence, it is impossible to stay alive without food. Finally, people cannot live without water at all. And drinking water is almost impossible to get there.

What is more, there are a lot of dangerous animals, birds, plants in jungle which can attack and kill you.

In addition, it is easy to lose yourself in rainforest. Fields, villages are overgrown with grass and bushes. You have to hunt with homemade bows and arrows. To catch any animal for food is not easy. There are no antibiotics. Any injury could be fatal. And so many infections around, and there are no drugs. That is why I think it is almost impossible to survive in jungle.

Nevertheless, other people suppose that a well-adapted person can easily life in such kind of forests. We must admit, that if a person used to hunting, cold weather, unconvinient accommodation and he is sustainable to tropical viruses, he can survive in jungle without any problems. Only the fittest and the smartest can survive there.

I fully disagree with this fact, because there is very small numbers of such people and a clever person hardly agree for living in jungle.

In conclusion I would like to stress that only such person who knows all rules of surviving in rainforest can stay alive there.


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