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1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter 2. An early choice of career is the key to success (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


Nowadays it is very important to know foreign language. Many people are trying to learn it because it can help them in their work. For example, you can work as a translator or an interpreter. However, there are people holding an opposite opinion.

As for me, it is a perfect variant of a job if one is fluent in a foreign language. Firstly, it is hard to find good professionals in their sphere.

You will be demanded. Secondly, it is well-paid job. Thirdly, you will improve your skills in foreign language during the work.

All the same, some people think differently. They consider that to work as an interpreter is too hard. Only a person who has special qualification can work there. You need to have education in this sphere if you want to be an interpreter. Moreover, they say that it is not demanded profession.

However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the opinion above. if you really know foreign language very well, you do not need special education for it. For instance, if you have lived in a foreign country for some years, you can easily work as an interpreter. Also, it is not right that it is not demanded job because it is difficult job and a small number of people can work as an interpreter.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that to be an interpreter is a perfect idea for a person who is fluent in a foreign language.


Nowadays many young people face with difficult decision about their future profession. There are many viewpoints about when it is better to choose career path. Some people say that if you want to be successful you should make your career choice as early as possible. However, there are people holding an opposite opinion.

As for me, it should be better to choose future profession in early age. Firstly, it makes you more focused. You will have the only aim and any doubts will not interrupt you. Secondly, you will have more time to learn your occupation and improve your skills.

All the same people think differently. They say that it is pointless to develop yourself only in one sphere because when you are young, you need some time to try yourself in different occupations. They consider that it is hard to achieve success in life, if you have stunt only in one career choice.

I do not agree with the opinion above. I still believe that as longer you learning only one profession as more successful you will be in it. Most masters of their deal have huge experience of working.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say they it is up to you to decide your career choice in early age or not. As for me, it is better to make this decision as early as possible and it is the key to success.


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