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Music is something that distracts people from routine (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Music is a part of our life. Someone claims that it is something that distracts us from daily problems while others disagree. I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

 In my opinion, music gives us an opportunity to divert from routine. At first, playing any musical instrument as a hobbie is a perfect way to get distracted. This activity requires a lot of concentration. Secondly, concerts are great at entertaining and uniting people with the same interests. For example, the Eurovision song contest brings together various singers from all over the Europe. Music makes them and fans to forget about all the political problems every year. 

 However, someone claims that music is not so useful in everyday life.

In their opinion, it even can be irritable like tunes in shopping centres.

 Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. In fact, music in shops was created to reduce the time that customers spend there. Because of it we can avoid crowds and queues.

 In conclusion, I believe that music helps a person to concentrate on something important. Moreover, it inspires and unites many people, distracts them from stressful daily problems.


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