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Music is something that distracts people from their daily routine (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Music is something that so firmly entered our lives that we cannot even imagine a day without it. But still, some people are convinced that it only distracts the attention of important things.

From my point of view, music is essential to our lives. To begin with, it helps people to abstract from the real world. Hard work, personal problems and bad news on the media can really damage your mental health, so it is important listening to music to escape from this routine and dive into the magic world of sounds, where everything is perfect. Besides, music is a great way to make you feel better. For example, the aggressiveness of metal songs wipes out negative emotions and calms you down, leaving feelings of relief and inspiration. Also, music listeners are normally more creative. They are open to new experiences, therefore they get a lot of inspiration from the lyrics which leads to some good ideas.

However, some people think that some kinds of music have evil lyrics, which influence people in a bad way. Also, they believe that listening to music can damage your hearing.

I strongly disagree with this opinion. Metal music is often described as ‘evil and satanic’ which is just an old stereotype. Aggressive sound can easily scare some people away but its lyrics are deeply emotional and focused on such themes as depression, loneliness and pain, which can relate to a lot of people and make them feel better. As for health, music can be damaging for hearing only if listened to hours on an extreme level of volume, which is quite hard to execute.

To sum up, I think that music is a great instrument to help to stay sane on a daily basis. It improves your mood, brings calmness, happiness and helps to concentrate on work or study.


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