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Exams motivate to study harder пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays studying is very popular among people of all ages. People want to know more and do what they want, and that is why we study more and more than it was before. But what does motivate students to study? Do exams motivate students to study harder? In this essay I will try to express my opinion on this issue.

In my opinion, exams play a significant role in students' motivation. First of all, in order to continue studies and move further, students must pass exams. If you don't pass an exam many times in a row, I guess you will be expelled from a university. Nobody needs students who don't study. Of course, the risk of being expelled from university motivates students to study.

Secondly, exams make students study better. Usually, students know only the exam's topics, but they do not know particular questions that will be on the exam. It means that in order to pass an exam successfully, you have to study everything, not just some numbers and termins, because you never know what you will be asked on the exam.

However, some people have a different opinion. They claim that students' motivation depends only on their attitude to the studies. If a student wants to study, he/she will study no matter if there is an exam or not.

I do not agree with this point of view. As I said before, exams do not give students a chance to skip something in their studies. Even a good student who has a desire to study would skip some topic or a part of it due to many reasons. Every student who wants to study well knows about the importance of passing exams, and I think that it makes students study better.

To sum it up, I would like to emphasize the role of exams in students' motivation to study. If there were no exams at all, students would have studied worse.


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