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Exams motivate students to study harder, do not they? Пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of the impact of exams on students' level of education causes a great discussion and controversy. Some people consider that due to exams children need to study harder while others are convinced that exams cannot force pupils to put more effort into studying.

In my opinion, exams motivate students to do their best at school. Firstly, a lot of children do not want to get bad marks for the final test. Therefore, in order to be ready for it, they have to listen to a teacher during school lessons and do all their homework. Secondly, pupils have to study harder because they understand that if they do not pass their exams they get punishment from their parents.

However, there are people who have the opposite opinion.

They believe that exams do not force students to study effectively because children can easily cheat during exams thanks to the access to the Internet on their mobile phones. As a result, they do not have the AIM for getting new and proper knowledge.

Despite my respect for their opinion mentioned above, I cannot share it. I think that in the contemporary world video cameras for monitoring children activities are installed in classrooms. Therefore, it is really tough for a person to cheat on exams and not to be revealed. As a result, students need to be prepared for the tests and do the tasks themselves in order not to have problems at school.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are two different opinions on this problem. I am inclined to believe that exams push pupils to put more efforts on their educational process.


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