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Exams motivate students to study harder. Пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world, every student has to take a lot of exams, and some people consider it to be a good way of motivation to study harder, while others have a different opinion.

To my mind, nowadays it is really important and even useful to take an exam. To begin with, it helps you to understand whether you know a theme well or not, so then you can avoid misunderstanding in some difficult stuff. Moreover, marks that you get taking exams estimate the quality of your knowledge and students with high marks tend to be highly qualified specialists and successful workers.

However, some people have an opposing opinion. They claim that there are always hardworking people who do not need any motivation to study harder and lazy ones who do not take care of the results of their exams.

I am afraid that I cannot agree with the opponents. Now exams are the main opportunity to get a higher education, so even a lazybones tries to do his or her best and pass exams with the highest result.

To sum up, though the problem of taking tests is rather controversial, I strongly believe that exams do not only motivate students to study harder, but they also allow them to get knowledge better.


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