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Fast food restaurants should be closed (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Junk food is becoming more and more popular, but there are different opinions on whether the cafes which serve unhealthy products should be banned. Some people claim that it is crucial to prohibit all these snack bars, while others do not support this viewpoint.

Personally, I am for the prohibition of junk food cafes. Firstly, fast food products lack essential vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for growth and health. Consequently, junk food eaters usually end up suffering from malnourishment. Secondly, fast food contains a large amount of fat, which can result in obesity and heart problems. Thus, I am convinced that junk food restaurants should be prohibited.

However, there is an opposing opinion. Some people are against closing snack bars. They think that if you do not have fast food regularly, it will not do any harm to you.

So they are sure that junk food is not dangerous for one’s health.

Yet, I find this argument groundless, and I cannot agree with this viewpoint. It is common knowledge that junk food is very addictive as it contains chemical additives and artificial sweeteners, so one cannot stop eating it and may develop unhealthy eating habits, which bring about serious diseases. Thus, I believe that it is crucial to ban all junk food restaurants.

All things considered, I still sick to my viewpoint. I am convinced that the cafes which serve only junk food should be banned.

(237 слов)


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