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Fast food is very popular among teenagers. However, many experts consider fast food harmful to our health (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Fast food is very popular among teenagers. However, many experts consider fast food harmful to our health.

Nowadays, the issue of the harm of junk food is very controversial. Some young people believe that fast food restaurants are the most comfortable way to eat, while many experts think such food is very unhealthy.

In my personal opinion, fast food is harmful to the health because it is high in fat and it can cause serious problems with weight, digestion and even the heart.

esides, high levels of salt and sugar content in most fast food items cause our brains to seek them out.

Moreover, frequent use of junk food can lead to gastritis, diabetes, and cancer.

However, there is another point of view on this problem. Many teenagers enjoy fast food because most dishes in such restaurants are quite cheap, which is really important for young people who usually do not have a lot of money. In addition, they do not have to wait for a long time until their food is prepared.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because really good and delicious dishes cannot be cheap. Most budgetary dishes, as a rule, are made from not very high-quality products. Furthermore, waiting in a huge queue to make an order usually takes a very long time.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the issue of pros and cons of fast food is still to be discussed. As far as I am concerned, it is better to eat healthy food and cook at home or at least do not abuse harmful food.


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