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Some people think that life is given only once so you have to make it more exciting. Others, however, choose to live without any shake-ups because the life itself is full of events and you do not need to look for adventure (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem, which is whether to fill your life with bright colors as much as possible or to leave your live going in the way it goes as it itself has the ability to bring adrenaline, has been facing lots of human beings for a long time. One solution is to give preference to the first indicated variant.

Advocates of this believe that everything in life depends on us so this is our own task to make life exciting, adventurous and unforgettable. If we want to have the existence full of memorable actions, we should make it so ourselves.

For instance, you jump with a parachute or go down in a kayak when you are 30 so that you may be proud of it and in your old age you will have something to remember. Moreover, it is quite difficult to try out in everyday life those hormones that are produced in a fairly large volume while performing actions of this kind. Adrenaline and endorphins often give an unprecedented joy to a person and a sense of freedom that cannot be achieved easy in our daily life.

However, it is also widely believed that our life itself is full of breathtaking and thrilling events. Many people every day can get almost equal adrenaline to what you can get in the jungle alone, for example. This can be either getting a promotion at work or almost getting injured from a road accident.

To conclude, it is up to every human being to decide whether to fill life with memorable and breathtaking actions or to consider that it itself gives us a lot of nerve-racking events. In my opinion, we should make everything we can to make life unforgettable.


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