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Computers in schools can make life easier for both teachers and students (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays a lot of people think that technology can make education simple for pupils and teachers. However, others believe that computers can be a diversion.

In my opinion, computers make the education process easier. First of all, computers are useful. If a teacher does not sure about any information of his lesson, he can use the Internet and find out what he doubts about. Besides, computers are needed to learn some lessons. For example, pupils cannot study ICT without PC because they should work with the Internet, the Word, the Exel that set up on computers. That is why computers in school make life easier.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. Firstly, there are a lot of entertaining sites on the Internet that a child can visit at any time in school.

Secondly, it can be cyberbullying in schools. In other words, students may insult a person because of his old videos, photos on the social networks.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opposing opinion. Teachers may restrict access to the Internet and children will notbe distracted by websites. Also, parents should talk with their children about bullying and say that to humiliate others is wrong.

To conclude, everyone makes his own choice but I still strongly believe that computers in school make life and education easier and more effective.

Сегодня многие люди считают, что современные технологии делают обучение легче для учеников. Однако другие верят, что компьютеры могут быть отвлекающим фактором.

По моему мнению, компьютеры делают процесс обучения проще. Во-первых, компьютеры полезны. Если учитель не уверен в информации, которую он преподает , он может использовать Интернет и выяснить то, в чем он сомневается. Кроме того, компьютеры нужны для изучения некоторых предметов. Например, ученики не могут заниматься информатикой без персонального компьютера, так как они должны работать с Интернетом, Вордом, Экселем, которые установлены на компьютере. Именно поэтому компьютеры в школе облегчают жизнь.


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