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Young people like travelling more than senior citizens example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays travelling is becoming an increasingly popular hobby. Some people think that youngsters keen on visiting different places most of all. Others, on the contrary, claim that adults are the biggest group of travelers. Let me explain my own opinion.

To my mind, young people like travelling more than senior citizens. First of all, they have enough time and energy to explore all the places that interest them. Secondly, youngsters need a minimum amount of facilities because they are active and healthy. What is more, young people have little knowledge about our planet, so they are most curious to visit amazing places.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion. They believe senior citizens like travelling more than young people.

Adults have enough money and can allow all the necessary amenities. Moreover, senior citizens usually are better educated, so it is easier for them to understand culture, art, behaviour of other nations.

Nevertheless, I disagree with these statements. I suppose travelling has become cheaper and young people have more opportunities to earn some money for their needs. So visiting different places is more accessible for them. In addition, youngsters are deprived of prejudice and intolerance and they can better understand culture of other people.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the modern world becomes really opened for young people. That is why youngsters get more chances to travel around the world and they seize this opportunity.


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