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It's reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the digital age is constantly progressing. According to statistics from the Internet a real pile of money has been spent on building different space satellites. But do people need that? Are there no other problems on the Earth? So in this essay I would like to show pros and cons of space exploration projects.

To begin with, I adhere to the idea that our huge society needs much greater help. The first prominent role to be mentioned here is that now there is raft of people left without work or dwelling who need financial assistance.

The other important reason crossing my mind is that the majority of public places like schools, kindergartens and hospitals need to be reconstructed and provided with excellent equipment.

On the contrary, there are people who consider that space explorations are of a greater importance. First of all, investigating the space area, astronauts can rid our planet of possible asteroids that can be dangerous for us. Secondly, thanks to the discovery of new satellites systems the quality of telecommunications wave will be better.

Be that as it may, I cannot share these opinions. Now plastic pollutes the oceans and the air suffers from exhaust fumes. So, billions of dollars would be better to spent on improving the state of our environment.

Let me just recap what has been said so far. Space explorations is awesome of course, but let’s not forget about tiny and huge problems on the Earth.

(243 w.)


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