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It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of spending billions dollars on space exploration is causes major debates. Some people think that that humanity must invested a lot of money in space exploration while others claim that this money should be spent on solving problems on Earth.

Personally, I believe that countries must spend a lot of money on space exploration. Firstly, space exploration is very important in the modern world, over the years of its exploration, humanity has made many scientific discoveries, founded satellite television and the Internet.

Secondly, through the space research we can learn about amazing phenomena such as a solar eclipse as well as dangers such as an asteroid approaching Earth. Thirdly, space exploration in the future will allow humanity to find a new life in it and will create the possibility of relocation to another planet.

Nevertheless, there are people who say that humanity for this money should solve problems on Earth. They think that there are many problems on Earth such as ecology and poverty which must always be addressed. Also they say that many problems do not require a huge amount of money to solve them. Even just one million dollars from several billions spent on space can greatly help the problems of poverty, the ecology, etc.

I can not agree with this opinion because I believe that space research will give mankind a huge amount of benefit but if we do not invest in it then nothing will work.

In conclusion, I would like to say that space exploration is incredibly important for humanity and every year brings its benefits.


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