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Some teenagers would like to have a highly-paid job; others believe that their future job should be interesting and bring satisfaction (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Most young people are sure that their job must be interesting for them. However, for others the main aim go their jobs is to earn a lot of money.

From my point of view, it is very important to get satisfaction from your job. Firstly, you will not be sick and tired of your job if you love it. Secondly, the job you are interested in gives you an inspiration, joy and happiness. These feelings will not let you fall into depression. Thirdly, if a person enjoys his or her job then he or she will do it much better.

However, some young people think that money is the most important thing. In their opinion, it is easier to live, knowing that you have enough money to buy food and clothes.

Also, if you are paid well then you can travel a lot and buy expensive things.

I disagree with this opinion. Even expensive things will not bring you satisfaction because you will hate your job. Also, in many cases a person who likes his or her job is paid well too and has enough money for basic needs.

Taking everything into account, I want to say that everyone has its own opinion on this topic. I personally believe that getting satisfaction from the job is very important.

218 слов


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