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Задание 39. «My aunt lives in Arkansas and last week her house was ruined by a tornado…». Два письма: Natural disasters, Winter holidays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

1. «My aunt lives in Arkansas and last week her house was ruined by a tornado…»

Moscow, Russia

May 25, 2020

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your letter. I am sorry to hear about your aunt’s problem. Don’t worry. Things will get better soon!

In your letter you want me to tell you about natural disasters. To my mind, the most awful catastrophe is an earthquake because many houses and people can fall underground. Besides, volcanic eruptions are also dangerous.

It’s scary to imagine a very hot lava-stream destroying everything on its way. Fortunately, such natural disasters don’t threaten the place where I live. I think people who are in seismically dangerous areas can protect themselves monitoring an information about a coming tragedy.

Well, that’s so much about natural disasters. I’m glad that your history teacher got the annual award. Is this his first award? How long has he been a teacher? Do you like his lessons?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,



Moscow, Russia

May 25, 2020

Dear Emily,

Thank you for your letter. I was so glad to receive it. I am sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.

In your letter you ask me about winter holidays. They began at the end of December and lasted for two weeks. It was so nice to have a rest from my school. Besides, during my winter holidays we celebrated the New Year party. At weekends I attended the nearest ice-rink with my sister and we could spend a lot of free time skating. Together with my friend we made a snowman. As for me, I am good at winter sports. I like snowboarding best of all and when the weather was fine I went snowboarding with great pleasure. It’s a pity. I couldn’t attend the ski resort very often, the weather was cold and windy. By the way, I went to the cinema with my friend. The plot was thrilling. I was greatly impressed by it. I like my last winter holidays very much, because winter is my favorite season of the year. I think I will memorize them forever.

Can you tell me more about your winter holidays? Did you celebrate the New Year party with your parents or with your friends? How did you spend your time?

Unfortunately, I have to finish my letter.

Best wishes,



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