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40.1. The best things in life are free (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that the question about life values causes controversy. There are voices heard that everything which brings happiness to people is free. However, others claim that it is impossible to be completely contented without money. Now I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

From my point of view, moral values, undoubtly, are more important than wealth, but money is essential part of modern people's life. To open the list of arguments, one of the most desirable things is travelling, because visiting other countries people develop and get new emotions.

It is almost impossible to travel for free. Moreover, a lot of people work, read books, study by means of computers or other gadgets, which are expensive. Besides, nowadays qualified doctors and medical procedures require payment.

However, my opponents believe that the most valuable things are free. As far as they are concerned, as people's treasures as conversations with family, walks with friends and love are cost nothing. People cannot buy joyful moments, memories. Furthermore, while earning money some people forget about their relatives.

These arguments do not seem convincing to me, I claim that communication includes expenses, as buying theatre or cinema tickets, going to a cafe, buying presents on Christmas and Birthday. Also even raising child requires a lot of money and love alone will not be enough. In my view, if people spend much time at work and do not pay attention to a family, it needs just to be said to him about this problem and in order to discuss it together.

To round it off, undoubtedly, such values as love and friendship are the most important in our life. However without money it will be hard to built good relationships, acquire soft memories and be free in your needs and desires.


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