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Walking all over people will boost one’s career (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays most people consider good work to be the main value and are ready to do whatever is needed to achieve their goals. However, others think that moral beliefs are more important than any money and people should not be cruel to others for their own interests.

In my opinion, building a career should not involve walking all over people. Firstly, the basis of the modern world form business and social spheres which involve active interaction with people.So it is necessary to cooperate and find a common language with partners. Moreover, the main value for employers now are sincere thoughts and a desire to make the world a better place.

However, there are those who consider that modern world is materialistic and only cynicism will help to take a good place in life. Such people believe that kindness and sincerity can only do harm, and the best place will be taken by those who fought for their work.

I strongly object to this opinion. I think, at all times honesty and openness are valued more than rigidity and stubbornness. All people want to surround themselves with polite and pleasant colleagues and lead a common cause, improving the world around.

All in all, I still strongly believe that walking all over people it is not a good idea and will not boost one's career. All employers want to be sure that their employees work for the benefit of the company and the world, but not for their own material interests.


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