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Some people believe that the career choice which young people choose should please their parents (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today's world it is very important to choose the right career. Some people claim that young people should listen to their parents and agree with their opinion, while others argue that making one’s career choice should be independent.

To my mind, young people should choose a career by themselves. Firstly, all people are different, so interests of the parents and their children might not be the same. That is why it can be difficult for parents to understand their children, so young people should have more freedom to make a decision. Secondly, if a person chooses a career independently, he or she feels more self-confident and always tries his or her best to become successful.

However, some people believe that it is necessary for young people to agree with their parents' opinion.

They claim that parents are more experienced, so it would be easier for them to make a right career choice for their children.

I cannot agree with this opinion. Many parents do not consider the interests and qualities of their children. That is why a lot of young people have to study hard for a career that does not satisfy them. As a result, they feel disappointed and do not work properly.

To sum up, I would like to say that choosing a career is very important and can be decisive for one's future. That is why teenagers and their parents should listen to each other carefully and none of them should impose their views on others.


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