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Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The question of social media interaction is widely discussed nowadays. Very many people believe that it is very important for modern youths to have a social media interaction. However, there are those who suppose that interaction in a real life is more significant for teenagers than communication on the Internet.

From my point of view, real life interaction is of especial importance for modern teenagers. To begin with, it is impossible to make true friends online as a person can behave completely different from his/her behavior in a real life. That is why, social media interaction is less important for youths than real life communication as the last provides them with an opportunity to make real friends.

What is more, social media interaction can cause an addiction or health problems as a person can forget about everything apart from communication online.

However, some people think, social media interaction is significant for adolescents. To their mind, teenagers can be too shy to share some ideas and thoughts with others in a real world, so the only one possible way for them to

express themselves is to communicate with people online.

I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. It is important to a person to overcome his/her shyness in order to become successful in a real life. Social media interaction can be bad for the person as he/she can forget about live

communication and its beauty.

In conclusion, I am convinced that real life interaction is more significant for youths than social media one. I understand though, there is another opinion but I do not share that one.


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