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40. Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are a lot of discussions about the internet's influence on people’s lives. Some say that interaction through social media plays a big role in the lives of teenagers. Others convinced that it is unnecessary for teens to communicate via social networks.

In my opinion, social media is really important for modern teenagers. First and foremost, because it gives all people, not only teens, an amazing opportunity to communicate with each other a way faster than it was ever before.

All you need to do is to take your phone and text your friend and he will receive your message immediately, you can stay in touch with all of your friends most of the time. Another fact is that social media gives teenagers an opportunity to express themselves. They can share their photos, music, and articles through many social networks, which will help them to self-realize themselves. All this makes social media essential and useful for modern teenagers.

However, some people say that social media communication is harmful to teens, because they may lose touch with reality by spending too much of their free time in it and isolate themselves from communication with other people.

Of course, some people spend too much time online, but not all of them are teenagers. Even more, while interacting through digital platforms young people learn to communicate, develop their communication skills, and feel less lonely and isolated. All these factors make communication online even more helpful.

In conclusion, I would like to restate that social media interaction is important for the psychological development of young people and plays a really big role in their lives.


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