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Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays Internet is a big part of people's lives. Some people claim that it is significant for modern teens to interact in social media. Others, however, do not share this idea.

In my opinion, interacting in social media is essential for youngsters. First of all, teens communicate with their friends via Internet. Different social networks help teenagers to stay in touch with their real life friends, and they can even make new friends online. Secondly, social media is a platform where teenagers can express themselves, show their talent to the world and recieve support which will have a great impact on their self-confidence. Gifted teens may be noticed by famous influencers who will help them to start their own career.

Yet, not everyone agrees with this opinion.

Some people believe that social media interaction is unnecessary for teenagers, because they spend a great amount of their time online instead of communicating in real life, which makes them antisocial.

However, I can not agree with the opposing point of view. Communication in social media can help youngsters to improve their social skills and talk to people they have the same interests with. Moreover, interacting in social networks can help teens to feel better about themselves.

In conclusion, even though some people do not think that social media interaction is important for teenagers, I firmly believe that social network communication is vital for modern teens.


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