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Technological progress makes societies less human (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

With the technological development there is a feasibility for people to lose their humanity. Some people agree with this opinion. Others do not believe that technological innovation can cause to something that lead people to becoming inhuman.

I am sure that technological advances does not cause people to be inhuman . First and foremost, that is because now so many kids and adults of South Africa, for instance, have a chance to learn many disciplines at distance to the teacher. Secondly, nowadays the governments can spend money from the increasing of production on their nationals due to electronics. Finally, people have a chance to do the things they really want to do like drawing or playing on an instrument with the technological advance. They do not have to pour up the soil to survive.

However, others believe that technological innovation can transform men. To begin with, novadays there are new kind of weapons included nuclear, that can destroy our planet. They think that people do not pay it attention because of money. Besides, other people are sure that the 21th century person is loneless because of the hustle and bustle and that is why he is addicted to his phone. (69)

A do not agree with this opinion. Firstly, there are a lot of ecological companies like green peace and people like Greta Tumberg who is fighting for ecology. Furthermore, people talk to others wherever they are due to technological progress. They can always be connected.

To sum up, there are two disputing views on the problem of humanity. I am totally convinced that technological innovation does not cause to losing the humaneness. (275)


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