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Technological advances make societies less human / Технический прогресс делает общества менее человечными (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays most people are sure that technological advances adversely affect people's feelings and behaviour in the modern world. They believe we are becoming boring and robot-like because of various new inventions while other people do think that different technologies have no influence on us and they do not make us less understanding and compassionate.

Personally, I agree with the first point of view. To begin with, sometimes, spending most time with our gadgets, we forget about people around us. We value live communication less and less but some special apps or computers more and more. Also, we start relying on electronic devices, totally depending on them. Instead of trying to remember some meaningful information or dates of important appointments, we often just put a note on our phones. This definitely means we gradually forget about our human nature.

However, the opponents of this would say that using, for example, gadgets is completely natural for modern people and it does not affect our feelings, emotions and behaviour in any way.

They believe, in our modern world, it is just impossible to cope with so much information.

Therefore, in their opinion, technologies do not change us, they just help us to get used to everything new in our life.

Nevertheless, I still adhere to my point of view. I consider that people are not able to resist technologies, eventually turning into robots themselves. I think that our society quite often seems to be absorbed in these technologies. Computers, cars, phones and other innovations just do not let us notice the world around. We stop enjoying the life as it is.

To sum up, I am of the view that technological advances do make us legs human. They always replace real life with something new, which does not appear to be exactly what we need.


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