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Summer holidays spent at home are never enjoyable (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The debate between introverts and extroverts about the best way to spend vacations has long existed. Some people believe being at home in summer is boring, while others consider there are enough entertainments indoors. In this essay I will try to express my opinion on this issue.

Personally, I think vacations at home can't be really gripping. The first thing to be considered is the fact that staying indoors deprives you of live communication with people, and spending time in company of friends is more entertaining. Secondly, you give up travelling, new sensations and experience that you can get outside. Finally, you cannot learn an interesting profession or hobby at home.

However, there are people who might not agree with me. First of all, nowadays we have access to any movie or book via the Internet. You can watch any entertainment content at home..

Moreover, there are people who do not like to communicate, and being at home alone is more pleasant for them. In addition, some skills can be learned at home also via the net.

To my mind, this is very subjective. The most interesting books and movies can get boring over time. No skill acquired on the Internet can be more exciting than the experience gained outside.

All the things considered, vacation at home can be enjoyable, but not as much as other leisure activities. It seems to me almost any pastime at home is a substitute for reality for people who can't live in the outside world for some reason. Even the most fascinating books are always based on real life.


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