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Summer holidays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Dear Jane,

Thanks a lot for you letter. I was happy to hear from you again. I am sorry l have not answered earlier but l was busy with my school.

I plan to spend summer holidays in Italy because l like this country and i know a lot of facts and traditions of this country.

For example, last year i had a fun vacation. I was in Africa. The second largest continent after Eurasia, it is bordered by the Mediterranean sea from the North, the Red sea from the northeast, the Atlantic ocean from the West, and the Indian ocean from the East and South. i went on a n excursion, swam and ate pineapples. I really liked this country. I hope to visit Africa again.

My aunt lives and works in Germany . She rarely travels but if she has any free time she spends it at home because she has a lot of work. She plans to fly to Russia next year. I can't wait to see her. My mother will prepare a big cake for her arrival . Dad will meet her at the airport. I'm thinking of drawing her a picture to celebrate her arrival, but in the meantime, my family and I will go to the store and buy her a large and beautiful postcard that we will send to her in Germany next week.

I often visit her during the holidays. I don't know much German anymore, and I can even read. My dad often goes on business trips to Germany in the summer, so he knows their language and their culture very well.

I am sorry, i have to go now as my mom asked me to help her with dinner.

Pleas write back!

All the best,



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