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40.2 One should read about historical sites before sightseeing (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, issues related to the importance of reading about famous historical locations before visiting them tend to arouse much controversy. Some people think that there is no more essential way to do sightseeing for people than reading about history of famous places before visiting them. There is another opinion that there are other effective methods to travel through sites without researching.

I am inclined to share the former opinion for the following reasons. Firstly, reading about sites help to know all historical facts. So, when one do sightseeing he or she can get much more information about the place and learn foreign culture. Secondly, learning about sites help do not miss interesting places. This way people

can visit all the sights, not only the most popular.

Therefore, reading about famous places before do sightseeing is very important.

However, some people prefer thinking that it is not necessary to learn about sights before trip. Whenever one wants to go he or she should listen its feelings. Sightseeing without learning is more curious and exciting. So, these people think that the importance of reading about historical sites before travel is overrated.

As for me, I cannot agree with the opposing opinion because first expression is always first expression. No matter whether a person read about historical sites before trip or not. Real emotions are always bright.

In conclusion, there are two points

of view on the significance of reading about sights before visiting them. I am in favour of one should read about historical sites before sightseeing because of many reasons.


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