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Every city and every town should have a zoo example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, zoos are becoming the most popular entertainment for people of all ages. The number of the zoological garden is growing every day, they are more affordable than any other kinds of pastime. A lot of people like zoos and think that they need to be more common. Some people believe that animals should live in the wild.

In my opinion, zoos are an incredible means of education for children and even adults. First and foremost, the zoological garden is present different kinds of animals, including those who live in other regions and countries. Everyone can find out more about endangered animal species and have a great time watching and feeding them. There is always a nameplate for every animal, so people can read about them and see with their own eyes every kind of animal that is presenting in the zoo.

Moreover, people are build zoos to save endangered animals. Animal keepers take care of them, grow, and give big animals a more comfortable place to live in, repeating the nature that this animal used to live in. Zoos owners provide the animal with food, good care, and love. They are saving the animal from hunters and natural disasters.

Nevertheless, other people consider that zoological garden is a literal disease for animals. They are opposing zoos and says that animals should be living in their natural habitat, and they should not be locked in the cell. That is why people need to stop building zoos and free animals.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I think that it is better for animals and people to build a more comfortable zoological garden. For instance, some animals cannot take care of their cubs, so a lot of them dying. In zoos, animal keepers take care of every creature and little cubs a growing in healthy and strong animals. In our modern world, people have all opportunities to recreate the natural habitat of all kinds of animals, so they feel themselves like in their «home».

To conclude, zoos an extremely important part of people’s and animals' lives. They provide the animal with good care and healthy food and help people to get more information about animals. Building a zoological garden is our must for saving endangered animals.


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