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1. There are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city 2. Every city and every town should have a zoo (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


However, many people think that living in a big city is wonderful. They consider that in a big city there are many beautiful parks, streets and sights. Also, they think that only in a big city there are many shops and things that simplify life.

Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough. Nowadays, not only in a big city you can find everything that makes your life easier, but in a village you can find parks, sights and shops.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of housing is still to be discussed.

But for now, I will stay with my opinion, and I will say that there are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city.


Nowadays, the problem of leisure is very pronounced. Some people believe that every city and every town should have a zoo while others think that animals should live in wild nature, not in the zoo.

In my personal opinion, animals should live in wild nature, not in the zoo. To start with, I would like to say that in a zoo animals feel in captivity and their life becomes different, not what it was in the wild nature.

Furthermore, animals feel uncomfortable due to the fact that every day huge number of people look at them.

However, many people think that every city and every town should have a zoo. They consider that a zoo is an entertainment for people and opportunity to look at wild animals. Also, they think that in a zoo animals can live in safety.

Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough. In most zoos animals are kept in terrible conditions, they are bullied and forced to do any things against their will.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of leisure is still to be discussed.

But for now, I will stay with my opinion, and I will say that animals should live in wild nature, not in the zoo.


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