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You should not lean on family and friends in choosing a career (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are different people who use completely different means to make their career, and whereas some of them take advantage of their loving family and close friends, the others do everything their way.

What concerns me, my personal opinion is that one should indeed make their career stairway on their own and not lean on somebody's help. To begin with, a person needs to get used to independence both financially and mentally from the very beginning of their separate life. Besides, this will help them with realizing the direction to follow in their career. Moreover, this provides the development of such essential person's qualities as responsibility, confidence and willpower which are just irreplaceable in any career.

However, there are also people who argue and disagree with this opinion. Firstly, they claim that your friends and your family may give you a good advise which might eventually appear to be of a great use to a person.

Finally, one's parents should have a greater life experience so they can also help their child to define with profession.

But at any rate, it is still considered that a person should rely only on themselves, as sometimes the advises given by your friends and family may not prove useful. Moreover, nowadays it is youngsters who are more aware of labor market.

In conclusion to all of my reasoning, I would like to emphasize the importance of person's independence from anyone and anything, as it helps them not to be driven puppet in other person's arms.


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