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When choosing a career, a good salary should be the main consideration (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The next stage of life after graduation from school is getting a job. Everyone has to make this difficult decision regarding future career. For the majority of people it is a big problem. Some people believe that everyone should focus on income from work when choosing a career, whereas others think that a good salary is not so important. In my opinion, getting high wages is not a key factor of happiness. It is more important to get satisfaction from your work. If you love what you do, you will work hard and your efficient will increase. It is a good chance to fulfill your potential and show your talent. Moreover, job satisfaction helps to reduce stress and deal with depression. In addition, having a good working environment is more important than high salary.

Reliable and kind colleagues help you not only at work. On the other hand, some people claim income from work should be the main consideration. The reason is that everyone needs money to meet basic human needs. We all need food, clean water, clothes, accommodation, electricity at home and other things. Earning a big amount of money helps to live comfortably. I disagree with the above mentioned opinion. Money is a false value which will never bring pleasure. Love, family, friendship and united collective at work make you truly happy. In conclusion, I personally believe that everyone when choosing a future career should take into consideration not only a salary. It is more important to get satisfaction from your work and have a warm relationships with colleagues.


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