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One should read about historical sites before sightseeing 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is popular nowadays to do sightseeing while travelling. Some people are convinced that there is a necessity for finding out as much information about historical sites as possible before visiting them, while others believe that it is not requisite.

To begin with, I want to point out that everyone must read about historical sights. Firstly, it lets you have a general impression of sites beforehand. Secondly, reading about the sights assists in choosing a fascinating place to visit. Thirdly, information about historical sites read in advance saves you from being regarded as a stupid person. For example, a general idea of the ancient sites helps you in communicating with somebody who may ask about it in the place of visiting.

Nevertheless, there are those who opine that it is not necessary to read about historical sites.

First of all, they claim that information about sights known beforehand deprives of the interest to see it. Moreover, my opponents believe that reading about historical sites before sightseeing is a waste of time. For instance, guides tell about everything you would be curious about.

Anyway, I strongly disagree with them. If you do not read about a historical place in advance, you have all chances to be disappointed with it. In addition, guides could be expensive to take.

To sum it up, I want to stress that reading about a historical site beforehand definitely helps to enjoy sightseeing and proves that you are clever.


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