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Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation. письмо по вопросам Do you have any special fashion for teens? What kind of clothes do you prefer? Why? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Technologies have invaded our life nowadays. Some people are convinced that skill in working with gadgets leads to success in a job, while others believe that having the ability to possess knowledge about devices is not important in any profession.

To begin with, I want to point out that digital literacy gives an opportunity to get a worthwhile job. Firstly, every sphere of people`s life has become computerised. That is why we should be prepared for the appearance of modern devices in our job. The capability to use a computer definitely saves us from losing our post.

Secondly, a person who easily handles electronic devices has all chances of having a high and gainful position.

Nevertheless, there are those who opine that to be computer literate is not vital to gain a decent job. First of all, they claim that some professions do not require proficiency in the computer sphere. For example, a nurse must take care of patients only.

Anyway, I strongly disagree with them. Nobody can do without basic knowledge about devices. Even a nurse uses a gadget to measure blood pressure, so she or he must be digital literate.

To sum it up, I want to stress that computers have surrounded us. That is why everyone should acquire computer skills to get a well-paid and fulfilling job.





Dear Judith,

Thanks for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again. I`m sorry I haven`t answered earlier, but I was really busy at school.

In your letter you asked me about clothes. Well, sportswear has become popular with teenagers in Russia. You know, I haven`t heard about any special fashion for teens in our country. I think it doesn`t exist. To be honest, I prefer formal clothes because I like them. It`s just my style.

By the way, I want to ask you some questions about the new dress. What colour is your dress? Where did you buy it? Is the new dress casual or evening?

Unfortunately, I have to go now because my mum is calling me.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,



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