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Say what you are going to do at the weekend. These are some ideas (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Unit 1; Step 3; упр. 6; стр. 17.

At the weekend I am going to meet my friends and go to the shops with them to buy some unusual tasty food.

At the weekend I am going to do my lessons because I want to get very good marks next week.

At the weekend I am going to read a good book because it is very interesting and useful to learn something new every day.

At the weekend I am going to play computer games with my online teammates because there is a very important step in our game now.

At the weekend I am going to go to the museum and see some wonderful collections of old coins and stamps.

At the weekend I am going to eat some nice food. I am going to go to the shop, buy different groceries there and help my parents cook at home.

At the weekend I am going to visit my grandparents and help them about the house.

At the weekend I am going to sleep a lot because I get very tired by the end of the week.

At the weekend I am going to help about the house because I want to support my parents who have so much to do at work.

At the weekend I am going to go to the shops because it is very pleasant to buy something interesting and also meet my relatives or friends there.

At the weekend I am going to watch a good film because I enjoy good films very much but do not have enough time for them on weekdays.

At the weekend I am going to talk to my friend on the phone because he lives in another town and we cannot meet in person.

At the weekend I am going to work in the garden because I will go to the country and stay at my grandparents' house in our village.

At the weekend I am going to ride my bike because the weather will be very good.

At the weekend I am going to play with my sister because we always have a lot of interesting games to play together.

At the weekend I am going to go to the forest with my father and gather some tasty berries and mushrooms.

At the weekend I am going to go to a nearby lake and fish there with my elder brother because we like fish and want to cook a delicious dish for our parents.

At the weekend I am going to learn many new English words because I think it is very important to know a lot of words to speak a foreign language well.

At the weekend I am going to help my mother to take care of her plants that grow on the windowsill.

At the weekend I am going to call my Literature teacher and congratulate her on her birthday.

At the weekend I am going to start keeping a diary because it is exciting to write down everything interesting that happens in my life.


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