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Choose one of the items (a – c) and say how you are going to spend the coming weekend (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Рабочая тетрадь; Unit 1; упр. 9; стр. 9.

Вариант ответа A

This week the weather is going to be very hot, so I decided to enjoy the weekend out of town. I will go to the country where my grandparents live. They live in a small beautiful village near the large thick forest. I think I will do a lot of interesting things there. I will help my grandparents to work in their wonderful garden, I will walk to the big blue pond, swim in it and lie in the sun on its bank. I will also play different games with my friends from that village. I am sure we will have a good time together.

Вариант ответа B

I always dreamt of going to a big city because I like to see a lot of people and cars in the streets, tall buildings everywhere and a lot of interesting places to visit.

Last month my uncle promised me to take me to Saint Petersburg, and this weekend we are going there by plane! We will have just two days but I hope we will do the whole city.

I know that there are many modern cinemas in Saint Petersburg, so we will go to the cinema to watch some new movie. We will also go to the shop because I want to buy some gifts and souvenirs for my family, friends and classmates. If the weather is good, we will walk in the streets and squares of the city of Saint Petersburg. I think that if we get hungry, we will have lunch in a cafe or in a restaurant. I like to eat unusual and tasty food so much!

Вариант ответа C

In a TV programme that I watched yesterday they said that this weekend the weather would be cold and unpleasant. So, I decided to stay at home. I think I will spend my time doing my homework, reading interesting books, playing computer games and watching television. If it does not rain, I will go and meet my friends. We like going to the shops and taking photos together. I also want to help my parents about the house this weekend because they get very tired at work and need my support at home. I also must do my own room because it is so messy now.


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