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Speak about an ideal family as you see it. Here are some ideas (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Рабочая тетрадь; Unit 2; упр. 10; стр. 28.

Вариант ответа №1

I don't think there is such a thing as an ideal family. But I will now describe what a very good family is like.

In a good family, there are two or three children. Having one child is boring and having more than three children is difficult. In a good family, all family members live together and are always ready to help each other. For example, parents help children with their homework, while children help parents about the house.

The members of this family like to spend time together. At the weekend they go to their county house, breathe fresh air and enjoy beautiful nature. And on holidays they go somewhere to the south, walk a lot, swim in the warm ocean, lie in the hot sun and take hundreds of wonderful photos.

Вариант ответа №2

I think that in an ideal family there are two children – a boy and a girl. They live together with their parents. In this family there is also a dog, a cat or some other pet. The family is not very big but there are a lot of relatives with whom they often meet and talk. All the family members love each other and help each other. Mother and father help their children when teachers give them difficult tasks at school. Children help their parents about the house: they go to the shops, wash the plates in the kitchen, cook some simple dishes, take out the rubbish and do their own rooms. The members of an ideal family like to spend their free time together and do a lot of interesting things during that time. At the weekend they go to the country or to the forest to work in the garden, play football or snowballs, ski or lie in the sun. It depends on the season. And when they are on holidays they usually go to some very far places – for example, to the south of our country or even to a foreign country. They have a great time there making new friends, learning about the local culture, eating delicious food and taking cool pictures. I am happy to say that I live in an ideal family!


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