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Digital literacy is a key to success in any occupation 14 баллов (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of digital literacy has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that computer competence leads to success in any occupation. However, the others claim that one should not keep up with technologies to achieve great results in the activity. In my essay I am going to express my personal opinion on the matter, debate with my opponents and draw the balanced conclusion.

In my opinion, it is relevant to be digital literate to succeed in any occupation. Firstly, modern technologies help people operate faster and ease the working process, that is why nowadays a lot of jobs require computer skills. Secondly, digital resources improve employees' knowledge, make their activities productive and help gain professional success in the easiest way.

However, some people criticize my point of view. They suppose that it is unnecessary to have digital skills in every occupation because they cannot be compared to human talent and personal abilities, which actually form a key to success.

Nevertheless, I disagree with this point of view. The point is that it is a must to supplement talent with digital literacy to achieve multiple significant results because the only quality is always not enough. Besides, people's opportunities cannot be completely reliable and continual without the assistance of technologies.

In conclusion, summarizing all the points, I strongly believe that we should not avoid digital knowledge in working processes because the only way to succeed in any occupation in modern life is to be computer literate.


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