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Some people prefer reading books to watching their film versions (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about books and their film versions. Some people are convinced that reading a perfect book is a good way and others believe that it is better to watch a movie made from a book.

I completely agree with the statement that watching film version is much more reasonable than reading a written version. Firstly,books are often really long and large, they can include two or more volumes. Watching a movie allows saving much time, which is valuable. Person can combine a lot of activities such as doing household chores with enjoying a film. Secondly, film versions are more colorful, they are often made with the use of different special effects or computer graphics, which enable to move a viewer into the amazing fairytale world or help to travel into the space.

However, one can consider this problem from another angle. They say that reading a written version has more advantages because books allows reader to understand the plot and characters fully, while a film is just a director’s vision.

In spite of convincing arguments, I strongly believe that the film versions also help to understand the main idea of the book, given by the author. The director only removes secondary information that does not affect the plot.

To sum up, I would like to point out that watching film versions is more advantageous. It serves as the a good way for relaxing, refreshing the mind and recharging the body.


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