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It's better to read books rather than watch screen versions (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is a controversial issue whether reading a book is better than watching its screen version or not. Some people claim that watching screen adaptations is better, others are of the opposite opinion.

Personally, I believe that it is better to read books. Firstly, books can let you imagine the setting or events happening in the story, besides, you try to visualize the characters, so books help you to develop your creativity. Secondly, reading improves our vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and grammar, you can even pick up new words and phrases, which is especially beneficial while learning a foreign language.

Still, some people will not agree with me. They claim that watching movies is better than reading books. According to them, reading wastes too much time, you have to spend weeks or even months on finishing a book, while a screen version only takes a few hours to watch.

However, my opponents’ viewpoint is vulnerable to criticism.

I cannot disagree with the fact that watching a screen adaptation requires less time than reading a book, but my opponents overlook the fact that the directors usually get rid of the details that they consider unimportant in order to shorten the story, so the movie does not allow you to fully understand the message that the author tried to convey.

To conclude, the question whether books are better than movies is to be discussed. I strongly believe that reading a book has more benefits than watching a movie, and the bulk of evidence above proves it.


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