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Extreme sports help to build character example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today’s world the problem of extreme sports’ decisive role in forming one’s character causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that these types of sports help people to build really strong spirit while others do not agree with it.

My personal view is that extreme sports show people their strength of mind and form the character. To start with, people always fight with their fears doing extreme sports. Furthermore, such sports make people more confident, and it means stronger in front of different situations. Additionally, there is an opinion that extreme sports help to fight stress giving adrenaline.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. First of all, some people may get new fears and become more nervous. Moreover, extreme sport is deadly-risky and it leads to a tragedy.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because doing this kind of activity and risk their lives people become stronger for life problems.

Besides, every kind of sport builds one’s character as people overcome themselves and extreme sport is not an exception.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I must admit that dangerous activities force people to do unbelievable things and it makes their character really stronger.

204 words.


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