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14 баллов 2019 «Computers cannot replace teachers» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, computers are often believed to be able to replace real teachers. Nevertheless, some people are sure that nothing is better in educational process, than people who teach other human beings.

In my opinion, lessons with teachers are much more productive and efficient, than studying with computers. To begin with, a teacher can find an individual way of learning for every student. What is more, there is nothing that understands a person better, than an other person. So, teachers also help students to cope with stress, deal with problems and stay mentally healthy. Finally, students often feel more responsible when they study with real teachers as they want to satisfy them.

However, there exists an opposite point of view on this issue.

Firstly, someone supposes no teachers can know so much as computers do. Secondly, if you study with a computer, you can stay at home. It is much more comfortable.

Despite my respect for the above-mentioned opinion, I cannot share it. It does not matter how much you know, if you can not teach properly. Therefore, what is more important is the way you share your knowledge with others. Speaking about studying at home, people often are not able to be attentive and organized, when there is too much comfort in a room for lessons.

In conclusion, I would like to say that although computers provide a lot of help in eduactaional process, they will never be able to be as good at teaching as real people are.


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