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40. Just as teachers assess their students, so students should assess their teachers пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays you will most probably hear that pupils should have the possibility to estimate their teacher's work, although some people disagree with this statement.

I personally believe that it would be nice for students to evaluate their teachers. Firstly, teachers and school administrators can use student assessments to improve the educational process, correct mistakes, and incorrect teaching methods. Moreover, teachers can use their students' feedback to find out what is the best way to interest the student and to present the material.

However, there is an opposing opinion on this issue.

Some people claim that teachers study for the profession for 4 years in university, where they are told special methods how to teach children, and students should not interfere with the teaching process. In addition, the student can slander the teacher by saying something unfair, because, for example, the teacher could give the student a bad mark, and that was not the teacher's mistake.

I disagree with this point of view. I think teachers can get benefit from student feedback. Firstly, students have a different perspective on teaching, and it is very useful to know different points of view in order to achieve a balanced educational process. In addition, not only students but also teachers make mistakes, and when pupils evaluate teachers, supervisors can learn from their students' unique outlooks.

In conclusion, I believe that it would be helpful for the students to share their views on different school issues with the teachers. It is very important to instil in students the understanding that their opinion is also important and that they must be reckoned with.


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